This page shows the status of our Belnet Network and Services. Currently these are updated manually.
To report incidents, please contact our Belnet Service Desk at 02 790 33 00 or

Incident affecting a switch of the BNIX platform in the POP BRUZAV Monday 18th March 2019 14:06:00

18/03/2019 13:45
We currently have an incident on a switch of our BNIX platform. This is impacting connectivity for our BNIX customers Our teams are working hard to restore connectivity. At the moment, the root cause of the incident is unknown. BNIX customers can contact our Service Desk at 02 790 33 01. We apologize for the inconvenience.

18/03/2019 14:40
Incident is also solved for POP BRUZAV. All BNIX members should not experience any connectivity problems from now as we do not see any problems anymore on our BNIX platform. More details will follow on the root cause of the incident.

18/03/2019 14:25
Our teams are progressing. At the moment only BNIX members connected to the POP BRUZAV are still experiencing connectivity problems. Situation should be back to normal for BNIX members connected to POP's BRUEVE and BRUDIE