This page shows the status of our Belnet Network and Services. Currently these are updated manually.
To report incidents, please contact our Belnet Service Desk at 02 790 33 00 or

POP HASDIE is down Sunday 19th May 2019 16:16:00

19/05 16:16 The POP HASDIE is down. Belnet customers can contact our Service Desk at 02 790 33 00. We apologise for the inconvenience.

19/05 18:30 The POP HASDIE is up again. Belnet customers can contact our Service Desk at 02 790 33 00 if they experience any further issues. We apologize for the inconvenience.

19/05/2019 16:30 This is related to a power outage. UPS is equally down. The site responsible has been contacted to go on site.