This page shows the status of our Belnet Network and Services. Currently these are updated manually.
To report incidents, please contact our Belnet Service Desk at 02 790 33 00 or

Fiber cut Friday 15th May 2020 03:44:54

Due to a fiber cut between Hasselt and Geel, some of our customers have lost connectivity to their services. Our teams are investigating. Belnet customers can contact our Service Desk at 02 790 33 00. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The fiber is repaired and the impacted services are operational again. Please contact our Service Desk at 02 790 33 00 in case you should still experience any problems.

Fiber cut has been located and reparation work are starting.

Belnet teams are trying to locate the fiber cut with the line supplier. Impacted clients have received a ticket number.