This page shows the status of our Belnet Network and Services. Currently these are updated manually.
To report incidents, please contact our Belnet Service Desk at 02 790 33 00 or

MAINTENANCE: Emergency Change Cloud Services extended Monday 4th February 2019 14:41:00

The emergency maintenance from 01/02 19:00 till 04/02 07:00 has been extended.

Nature of the prolongation: The recovery is taking longer than foreseen. Belnet is working closely together with 3rd party experts on rebuilding the infrastructure to improve stability and performance for our Cloud Services. All impacted customers will be contacted to discuss the state of affairs. We will contact the impacted customers from the moment that the stability and performance can be retested.

01/02/2019 18:30
Emergency Change Cloud Services – from 01/02 19:00 till 04/02 07:00

(FR) Cher client, Nous souhaitons vous informer que Belnet doit effectuer une maintenance urgente. Nous nous excusons pour la notification tardive.

(NL) Geachte klant, Wij wensen u te informeren dat er urgente werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd door Belnet. Onze excuses voor de laattijdige verwittiging.

Emergency Change Cloud Services – from 01/02 19:00 till 04/02 07:00 - Reference: BELNET – CHG0030392

Disconnect Start Date: Friday 01/02/2019 18:00 CEST
Planned Start Date: Friday 01/02/2019 19:00 CEST 
Expected End Date: Monday 04/02/2019 07:00 CEST
Impact: all cloud services down

Nature of the work: Rebuild infrastructure to improve stability and performance for our Cloud Services

Cloud Compute services:
We would like to inform that all Cloud Compute services will be disconnected from Disconnect Start Date onwards.

Cloud Storage services:
We would like to ask you to disconnect all Cloud Storage services by Disconnect Start Date.

Belnet will inform you when the cloud services are operational again

(NL) Wij verzorgen een minutieuze opvolging van deze werkzaamheden. U kan in dit verband steeds onze Belnet Service Desk contacteren via mail of via telefoon op 02 790 33 00.
Met vriendelijke groeten,

(FR) Nous ferons un suivi minutieux de ces travaux d’entretien. Si vous avez de questions ou des remarques en rapport avec ces travaux planifiés n’hésitez pas à contacter notre Belnet Service Desk par mail à ou par téléphone à 02 790 33 00.